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Best 6000 BTU Air Conditioners

Aircon Comparison

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We all know how the scorching weather of the season can make spaces of all sizes feel like a sauna, which is why more and more homeowners are investing in air conditioner units. And let’s face it, there’s nothing better than coming home to a cool and refreshing room.

The best part of it all is that more and more air conditioners are being built and innovated to truly fit your temperature needs and preferences. You no longer have to worry about finding a unit that can effectively cool your space without going overboard because there’s definitely one out there that’ll be just right for you.

Factors to Consider

Cooling Capacity

Typically measured in British Thermal Units (BTU), an air conditioner’s cooling capacity refers to how efficiently the unit can cool down the space, with a higher BTU rating being able to cool larger spaces more quickly.

You can easily calculate the BTU rating needed as each square foot of a room requires approximately 20 BTU to cool. That means that an air conditioner with a 6,000 BTU rating will be able to cool 100 to 300 square feet.

Type of Air Conditioner

There are many types of conditioners available on the market for you to choose from. A portable air conditioner allows for a much more flexible zoning due to its portability and small size. A window air conditioner will require a large enough window to be installed, and a split-system air conditioner will need to be professionally installed. 

There’s not one type that is superior over the others, so it’s best to assess the layout of your room and decide which type will be the most suitable for your cooling needs.


When buying an air conditioner, you’ll need to face the reality that it will cost money. While you will need a significantly large initial investment to actually buy the air conditioning unit in the first place, you might also need to hire professionals to install and set it up. Air conditioners also require electricity to cool down your room, as well as regular maintenance.

Some air conditioners will also come with additional features that may bump up the price, so keep these in mind and really make sure that you know what kind of air conditioner you want to buy.

List of Recommendations

Frigidaire FFRE063WAE Window-Mounted Room Air Conditioner ($259)

With a 6,000 BTU rating that can cool down 250 square feet easily, this window air conditioner can do all that without putting too much of a strain on your electric bill. This unit’s Energy Star certification ensures that you’re using less energy, while still staying comfortable.

This unit also comes with three different fan speeds, as well as a sleep mode that will gradually increase the temperature throughout your sleep for maximum comfort and energy savings. The programmable 24-hour timer and the convenient remote control also help you control your air conditioner more easily.

LG Smart Portable Air Conditioner ($389)

Apart from keeping your home cool, this portable air conditioner also comes with two fan speeds, dry mode and a dehumidifying function. The portable nature of this unit also means that it can be installed almost anywhere in your home with minimal to no effort and complications.

This unit also has a user-friendly control panel, as well as a remote control to help you change settings from across the room, and the quiet operation ensures that you stay cool without the loud noise as this air conditioner only produces 51dB of sound.

Midea EasyCool Window Air Conditioner ($239)

This Midea air conditioner comes with three modes of operation—a fan mode with three speeds and a dehumidifier. The Energy Star certification also ensures that you get the most cooling for your money, with this unit also coming with an Eco Mode to help you achieve more savings.

The 6,000 BTU cooling capacity means that it can cool up to 250 square feet without producing a lot of noise. It also comes with an easy to use LED display panel and a remote control that can help you control the temperature and settings conveniently. 

Mitsubishi MSZ-FS06NA Hyper-Heating H2i System ($1,775)

This Mitsubishi wall-mounted air conditioner is a highly efficient heating and cooling system that also comes with different innovative features. The 3D i-see Sensor of the unit scans the room to detect any heat signatures and direct cold or warm air towards it. This also allows the unit to automatically switch to energy-saving mode when no warm spots are detected.

The handy remote control lets you switch up the temperature and settings as you see fit, and the dual vanes of the unit separates the air flow so that the entire room is being cooled equally. There’s also its Triple Air Filtration system installed to make sure that you don’t have to maintain the unit as often.

Midea MP05SRWBA3RCM 3-in-1 Portable Air Conditioner 

This Midea portable air conditioner comes equipped with three functions—cooling, fan and dehumidifier. It also comes with a remote control to let you control the temperature and fan speeds from anywhere in the room, along with an electronic control panel on the unit.

The auto-restart function allows the unit to restart as needed during power supply shutdowns or abnormalities. This unit also features a programmable timer to help you set your cooling to your own schedule.

Here’s a summary of the recommendations:

Model Price Additional Features
Frigidaire FFRE063WAE Window-Mounted Room Air Conditioner $259 Energy Star certification, Fan mode, Sleep mode, Programmable timer, Remote control
LG Smart Portable Air Conditioner $389 Fan mode, Dry mode, Dehumidifier, Programmable timer, Remote control, Quiet operation
Midea EasyCool Window Air Conditioner $239 Fan mode, Dehumidifier, Energy Star certification, Eco mode, Remote control
Mitsubishi MSZ-FS06NA Hyper-Heating H2i System $1,775 3D i-See sensor, Remote control, Dual vanes, Triple Air Filtration system
Midea MP05SRWBA3RCM 3-in-1 Portable Air Conditioner $389.47 Fan mode, Dehumidifier, Remote control, Programmable timer, Auto-Restart function

If 6,000 BTU Air Conditioners are not for you, then you can also check other BTU options below:

  1. 5,000 BTU
  2. 8,000 BTU
  3. 9,000 BTU
  4. 10,000 BTU
  5. 12,000 BTU
  6. 14,000 BTU
  7. 15,000 BTU
  8. 18,000 BTU
  9. 20,000 BTU
  10. 24,000 BTU
  11. 30,000 BTU
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